I was also a "stay poker still and the monster won't eat me" kid that deals with fear or surprise by freezing in place as an adult.

Only as I wrote that did I recognize Jurassic Park's canny push of that button: "Don't move. The T-Rex's vision is based on movement."

(Crichton in Lost World joyfully tosses that ridiculous notion)

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Well, I wish our younger selves would have gotten that memo, ha. It certainly stuck with me enough that I either missed Crichton’s disavowal of it, or completely forgot!

I remember there also later coming to light a controversy in the scientific community around whether the T-rex was actually a major predator or a scavenger, so that was fun to reckon with for awhile-- although I think in recent years the “T-rex solely as scavenger” theory was disproven. More likely it was both.

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Wow! I'm bookmarking this one. It is, like you, intense and breathtaking. The line about trees and trauma literally made me gasp, thus took my breath away. I didn't know where you going with this and at every turn I was drawn deeper in, and coaxed to slow down. Such lyricism too. You're a stellar writer and a stellar personal storyteller - thank you for sharing.

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Thank you so much for the kind words, Trilety, your comment completely made my day! I’m honored that this piece drew you in in such a way, it means a lot to me xx

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Beautiful remembrance. I do think trees have memory, just not how we think of memory. You may enjoy reading about Suzanne Simard, who fought the scientific establishment to re-think how trees communicate and cooperate: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/12/02/magazine/tree-communication-mycorrhiza.html

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Thank you, Stephanie! There’s so much that is absolutely fascinating about article. I particularly love Simard’s referring to “veteran” or “mother trees” as sending “messages of wisdom on to the next generation of seedlings”— yes, yes, yes! I’ve ordered a copy of her book, looking forward to reading it 💚

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